Tagged: fitness challenge

End of Summer Challenge

Everyone seeking to enjoy more tone to their arms, thighs and mid-section loves a fitness challenge at the beginning of summer.  But by now, as August and the back-to-school dates approach, most inconsistent exercisers have forgotten about challenges or diets and are gearing up to resume hectic lives that spiral downwards towards the holidays where everyone over-eats and then laments in January that they need to lose weight by summer!


To those of you guilty of the above cycle, I say get off the hamster wheel and try an end of summer challenge – or as I prefer to call it Fall Fitness Challenge. So if you’re ready to get in-shape and/or want to stay in-shape even though summer is waning, here’s my recommended challenge, in 5 simple steps:


   1.    Drink 8 LARGE glasses of water starting with first thing in the morning and ending with before bed.

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    2.    Spend 1 hour 4 x a week getting and maintaining your heart rate between 135-155 bpm.  It’s your choice how you do this, it can be cardio classes, videos at home, a rapid-paced weight routine at the gym, swimming laps, riding a bike (outside or stationary), walking up hills (treadmill or outside), or even playing a sport.  It’s one hour per day people – I guarantee you can find the time!

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    3.   Set a goal of one of the following choices and work your way up to achieving the requisite number in one consecutive session: 300 crunches; 100 push ups; 100 squats; 50 pull ups, 50 burpees, etc., or two or more of these options for a more aggressive fitness challenge.  Frame the goal(s) in one-two month increments.  In other words, decide how long you’ll give yourself to be able to perform the required number work daily/weekly at increasing your strength and stamina until you achieve the goal.

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   4.   Commit to eating 5-6 small meals a day, within little to no processed ingredients (i.e., cereal, crackers, cookies, chips, etc.) .  Practice weekly menu and food prep, and allow for one or two meals where you do not over-eat, but allow yourself to enjoy more caloric and/or processed foods & liquids.

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   5.   Spend 10 minutes a day practicing slow meditative-style breathing, and if you average less than 6 hours a night of sleep, commit to adding at least 30 more minutes. Your body will need the extra rest if you’re doing items 2 & 3.


I recommend starting on the target date of Tuesday August 1st to begin this challenge, and keep me appraised of your results.

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2017 Fitness Challenge

Every January a large percentage of our population renew their vow to get into shape and embrace fitness as a way of life. Every March the amount of people still on track or experiencing any success in their fitness goals is about 20%! If that’s you, read on because I’m going to help you succeed this year by giving you some much needed direction.


The problem is usually that most people jump in too fast (or pick only one course of exercise) resulting in either burn out, boredom, injury, or just lack of sustained motivation. Without keeping your fitness routine varied and effectively focused you will not be able to sustain – especially if you aren’t already addicted to exercise.

Young funny woman with dumbbells isolated


So below is a generic (yet adjustable to each individual) fitness routine that will last you through January. Those of you who stick with it, write to me and I’ll give you February, etc. If after 3 months you have stayed the course and seen and felt results – well then you can sign up (and pay) for more routines. But I am offering first quarter 2017 free routines, so take advantage people!


Keep in mind, that nutrition is 70% of your battle. So if you are really committed you may want to order a customized meal plan from me (workouts247.com), but regardless I urge and remind you NOT to DIET. Diets do not work! Keep your nutrition lean and clean 85% of the time (15% is free for you to drink, eat sugary, fatty, hi-caloric stuff) and eat 6 small meals/snacks per day. Drink water water water and follow this routine and I know you’ll see results!


Also stay off the scale – we’re trying to build muslce and reduce fat and the scale will not show the results you’re looking for. Only the way your clothes fit and the way you see your body are valid proof of your fitness success.


So here is your FREE 3 Day – 30 mins workout routine for January. Most of this can be done with little to no equipment, and all of it is perfect for a gym. Either way, modifiy as you need to for your fitness levels and access to equipment, but do not modify how aggressively you attack this workout. BE A BEAST! If you need clarification on exercises, weights, etc., you know where to find me. Stick with this and next month you’ll be ready for a 5-day workout!



10 burpees
10 incline push ups
15 Triceps dips
15 DB curls
10 DB up-out-in-downs
15 DB hammer curls
15 DB triceps kick backs
10 Leg lowers & raises (Abs)

Repeat circuit 2-3 times


25 Jumping jacks
10 Step Ups (each leg)
15 Jump Squats
10 DB Tap Squats
15 Wide to Narrow Squats
10 Dead lifts into Calf Raises
15 Single Leg Lunges (each leg)
25 V-sit in and outs

Repeat circuit 2-3 times


5 Mins steep incline treadmill walk (Or any cardio that kicks your butt)
20 DB Lunge walks with shoulder presses
10 DB push ups with alternating single arm rows
20 DB squats
20 Mountain Climbers
15 DB Curl to presses
15 DB Shoulder Flies
15 DB Triceps Ear Busters
3 Thirty-second Planks (prone iso abs)

Repeat circuit 2-3 times


I Challenge You!

It seems most of us like a challenge now and then. Whether it’s to push us out of our comfort zone, or to prove something to ourselves or others, people like utilizing challenges, even small ones, to shake up their status quo.  In the last couple of years I’ve seen challenges ranging from silly to stupid, and charitable to admirable. The cinnamon challenge was clearly in the stupid category, while the ice bucket challenge was silly and charitable.

December 1994, Sipadan, Borneo --- School of Neon Fusiliers --- Image by © Royalty-Free/Corbis

Current and retired educators from the Winchester, Va. area, all members of the Beta Iota chapter of the Alpha Delta Kappa fraternity, take part in the social media phenomenon, the ALS ice bucket challenge, to raise funds to combat Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also referred to as "Lou Gehrig's Disease," Monday, Aug. 18, 2014, in Winchester, Va. From left are Karen McCoy, Kaye Reams, Betty Saunders, Jackie Brondstater, Judy Fogle, Toni O'Connor and Melody Harmon. (AP Photo/The Winchester Star, Jeff Taylor)

My current favorite reality television show, American Ninja Warrior is a perfect example of the admirable challenge – at least from my fitness-minded perspective – watching men and women of all ages challenge their bodies and abilities to achieve feats of physical awesomeness.


So it got me thinking that perhaps I could “rally the troops” – my 3000+ followers – to accept a challenge that while it may be silly, could bestow some fitness on those of you who still dream but never DO anything to get your bodies in better shape.  Therefore, my challenge is as follows: for the next 30-days, you will do ONE 10-minute fun, silly, or challenging form of exercise per day, involving as many people as possible.

Example: challenge your spouse, kids, friends or co-workers to an in-home (or in-office) 10 minute obstacle course of hoola-hooping, jump-roping, rapid burpees, and silly-screaming jumping jacks. Or, ten minutes of free-style dancing while singing to your favorite up-beat songs (no matter how off-key or rhythmically challenged you are).

Young girls in the high jump practicing modern dance.


THEN you video-tape it and upload it to your Facebook, my facebook (https://www.facebook.com/danelifefitness), YouTube, etc. The idea here is that you get your body moving at least once a day, which will clear your head, lower your stress, give you time to connect with your loved ones, and in general boost everyone’s spirits. Make it silly, make it fun, make it challenging. Challenge those around you to outdo your challenge.

Let’s make this a movement with as much impact as the Cinnamon challenge had, but without the ridiculous and insignificant consequences! I look forward to seeing what you all come up with, and I can’t wait to try your challenges myself.

